Saturday, September 5, 2009

Pictures of my love!

I realized I don't have any pictures of myself or Jim on here so I thought that I would post a cute one of us from Disneyland and then my favorite one of him and my nephew Asher.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

School is about to start..dun dun dun...

In a week and a half my life will end and I will have sold my soul to Arizona State University. I'm really nervous, if I can't pass my classes I can't get reimbursed! I have faith in myself though, I just have to focus focus focus. So wish me luck and I will talk to you all in 4 months! (I will try to update before that though :)

New JC Purse!

I'm so excited! Jim got me this new Johnny Cupcakes purse and it is soooo cute! Here's a pic so you can see for yourself!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Johnny Cupcakes!

Jim and I went to LA this weekend and went to the Johnny Cupcakes store. The creator got his nick name in highschool and then rolled with the concept. He goes into so much detail to keep the theme that even the tags on his shirts and clothing are oven mits! It’s so cute, and all of his clothing is extremely limited. It was a lot of fun seeing all of the detail that he put into the store, and getting limited edition clothing! Check it out!

This is the logo

Ovens open and randomly spew out steam

The checkout counter

The store! The shirts are kept in glass cases just like cupcakes in a bakery!

Life Plan!

So I know that I change my mind all of the time, but I think that I am really going to try to graduate in December. I have five classes left in my Nutrition degree at ASU and if they let me I am going to try to power through! Wish me luck!